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FIFCO now accepting new bids for hosting future games

By September 1, 2018September 25th, 2018No Comments

The International Federation of Corporate Football (FIFCO) announced today that bidding for the 2019, 2020, 2021 and 2020 bids are now open.

The bidding must come from a member nation who can bid on hosting the games in their respective countries for a continental or a World Corporate Champions Cup.  Trade cups will also be considered.

“This is part of our mandate,” said Albert ZBILY, president of FIFCO. “Our aim is to continue to offer top quality tournaments in various cities around the world and have our members and our corporate sponsors benefit from the scenery, camaraderie and from the football, of course,” continued the president.

Several countries and cities have already been identified for future editions and while FIFCO would like to grow at a steady pace, the demand for such tournaments are outpacing the supply.

The economic upswing of hosting the games consists of increased tourism, corporate sponsorship and international visibility.  Tourism infused sporting is on the increase and FIFCO is playing a major role in increasing that visibility.

Download the bid deck to get familiar with all the criteria to host the games.