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31 July 2019 – The International Federation of Corporate Football (FIFCO) is proud to announce new members joining the federation.

In a recent visit to Tehran, president Albert ZBILY confirmed membership of the Federation of Amateur and Workers Sport of Iran (FAWSI) as the official representative in Iran.

“This is a great addition to FIFCO, because Iran’s internal structure focuses on the health of employees and their need to stay active in the workplace,” said Albert ZBILY after an official visit to Iran.

“We are delighted to be connected to such an international body and to participate in building a presence in this part of the world,” said Mr. Javad Ramzi, president of FAWSI during a press conference held in Tehran.  “The participation of Iran to the next World Corporate Champions Cup in Monaco is an expression of the shared values we hold so dear with all our members.”

In a 3-day visit, the president of FIFCO attended the Iranian Workers Futsal final in the city of Sari, close to the Caspian Sea that saw the Mashhad Municipality workers vs Abidi Pharmaceutical Company.

“The addition of Iran to the organisation, will only strengthen the region and allow for an increase in cooperation in Asia and within the Asian Federation of Corporate Football (FAFCO),” said Glenn Davies, Director General of FAFCO.

FIFCO also confirmed the addition of Saudi Arabia, Cape Verde, and the Democratic Republic of Congo amongst its newest members.

The International Federation of Corporate Football (FIFCO) is the world governing body of corporate football since 2009, located in Montreal, in Canada.  With over 60 country members and more than 2.5 million members, FIFCO strives to promote its core values and promote an annual world tournament series.