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Canada (CA) – The International Federation of Corporate Football (FIFCO) is proud to announce the newest member to join the growing family of corporate football from Africa, the Fédération Ivoirienne de Football Corportif (FIFCORP). The world governing body has re-established a contact with new directors and a new vision for corporate football in Africa and in Ivory Coast.

“It is a huge accomplishment to get the Ivory Coast back as members, after their brief appearance at the 2018 inaugural World Corporate Champions Cup in Montreal,” said President Albert ZBILY. “Ivory Coast represents an important step towards building a credible organization in Africa, as the country will take a more prominent role in the future.”

The president of the newly formed FIFCORP, Mr. Yao Chris, took his functions back in June 2023.  Mr. Yao and his executive staff have an ambitious plan to move the organization into a premier position to promote football in the workplace and bring employees onto a world stage.

“We are very proud to bring our country Côte d’Ivoire back into the FIFCO family,” said Mr. Yao, “we are a football nation, and we believe strongly in the FIFCO values, we need this here in our country,” he concluded.

Mr Yao and the entire executive staff are planning for the return of the Ivory Coast to the world stage with an entry of a corporate team at the 5th edition of the World Corporate Champions Cup to be held later this year in Abu Dhabi.

The International Federation of Corporate Football (FIFCO) is the world governing body of corporate football with its headquarters in Montreal, Canada. FIFCO has members in over 60 countries worldwide and is the host of the premier event of the World Corporate Champions Cup, the 5v5 corporate football festival.