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Montreal (CA): The International Federation of Corporate Football (FIFCO) announces today an agreement with Media Sport Group (MS Channel) of Italy.  FIFCO will send previous games played at the international level and of some of the games played by our members across the world to have them streamed throughout Italy on the MS Channel Extra.

“This is a great first step towards putting our sport in front of a larger audience,” said Albert ZBILY, President of FIFCO. “We feel this platform will allow us to continue to promote our members activities and put the World Corporate Champions Cup on a level playing field with other international sporting events,” he continued.

“We, at MS Channel, believe in giving a voice to all those sports that are not visible to a global audience,” said Axel PADERNI, programming director at MS Channel. “FIFCO has put professionalism into the organization of corporate football, we are delighted to work with them on this new project,” he continued.

FIFCO will invite their members to provide high quality content of games to be broadcast on the MS Channel Extra platform and will seek other similar platforms to offer past and future games, so as to promote its members activities.

In collaboration with the Canadian Corporate Soccer League (CCSL), future games will be featured on the MS Channel with play-by-play commentary and post-match interviews.

“I believe this to be a good experiment for us and our viewers,” said Roberto BRUSATI Executive Director of MS Channel, “we will be able to create more content to satisfy the growing demand for online content,” he concluded.